Moovalya Keys II HOA
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- HOW DO I GET A MAIL BOX KEY? You can get your mail box key at the main post office in the Town of Parker (proof of ownership required—deed or utility bill).
- HOW DO I GET A TRASH CAN? Trash services are paid for by the HOA. Contact Contact us through the Keys II mailbox (
for a trash can if one is not already located on your property, or you are
looking for a second trash can. Please note that the monthly cost of the second
trash can will be billed to the individual homeowner.
- WHERE DO I PARK EXTRA VEHICLES AND BOAT TRAILERS? There is no general parking area for KEYS II. Please park your vehicles and trailers within the boundaries of your own property. Please do not park on someone else’s property without permission, or you are looking for a second trash can. Please note that the monthl cost of the second trash can will be billed to the individual homeowner.
- SOMEONE HAS PARKED ON MY PROPERTY OR IS BLOCKING THE ROAD. WHOM DO I CALL? We encourage homeowners to first speak directly with the offender. (A little niceness goes a long way!) If this is unsuccessful, please contact a board member for assistance.
- WHO IS ALLOWED TO USE THE BEACH AND RAMP? The beach and ramp are owned by the KEYS II association and are to be accessed by KEYS II owners and their guests only. Please keep the gates locked to prevent others from trespassing. Also, please see ‘Beach Etiquette’ for more info about the beach.
Our Accounting Sevice - A&E handles the billing and collection of dues, as well as accounts payable. They are located at 289 Lake Havasu Ave Suite 200, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (928) 505-5864
- HOW MUCH ARE THE DUES, AND WHEN ARE THEY PAYABLE? Association dues are currently $320 per year, payable semi-annually on January 1 and July 1 in the amount of $160 each. Statements will be mailed to all owners before the due dates. If you do not, for some reason, receive your statement, you are still required to pay dues within 60 days from statement date; otherwise, a late fee will accrue.
- I WANT TO DO SOME EXTERIOR REMODELING, OR START NEW CONSTRUCTION. DO I NEED ASSOCIATION PRE-APPROVAL? Absolutely. You must submit scale drawings to the Board of Directors. The Board will review the plans to see if they comply with the CC&R’s. Even if you have obtained a permit from La Paz County, this does not necessarily mean that your plans are in compliance with the Association’s CC&R’s. You will need the blessings of both agencies before you can proceed with your project.
- I NEED A COPY OF THE CC&R’s... WHOM DO I CONTACT? If you are unable to print
a copy of the CC&R’s from this link, you can contact(